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Protective filter Ø 20 mm for outdoor applications

For extreme applications (near the sea, desert, mountains, areas with high air speed etc.) we recommend our stainless steel sinter filter.

Filters and protective baskets outdoor applications:

ZE16+ – PTFE filter and protective basket ZE16, open, conductive metallized finish, Suitable for low air speed and clean, non-aggressive atmosphere.
Operating temperature range: -40…80°C, IP30.

ZE20 – PBT plastic filter, metallized, with inserted filter gauze (nominal pore
size 0.45 μm), v up to approx. 10m/s. Protects against aerosols.
Operating temperature range: -40…85°C IP54

ZE21 – Fine-pored sintered filter made of high-grade steel 1.4404, v up to approx. 20m/s. Protects the sensor element against high air speeds and dusty conditions.
Operating temperature range: -50…150°C IP65

ZE22 – Same as type ZE21, but coarse-pored (max. pore size 100 μm) and dynamically faster, v up to approx. 20m/s.
Operating temperature range: -50…150°C IP65