Galltec-Mela logo Humidity measuring technology - high quality
Ausbildungsstart bei Galltec+Mela 2024

Training 2024

Welcome to the start of training 2024 at Galltec+Mela

We are thrilled to welcome two new members to our team in October. In order to start an apprenticeship in Germany and build a new life, both have taken the courageous step of leaving their home country of Turkey.




all about automation Friedrichshafen 25. + 26. February 2025 all about automation Hamburg 03. + 04. June 2025 all about automation Chemnitz 30.9 - 1.10.2025

Briefmarken für Bethel Dezember 2023_Galltec


We send, collect and support with our stamps

We are impressed by the valuable work that Bethel does and would like to do our bit to support the mission. We want to inspire those in need to make a difference and bring joy with our donations.

News Mai 2023_CSR Übergabe Buch Bert und Barbara Gall + Kindergarten Hochwiesen


We support the traffic education campaign in the district of Böblingen

Thanks to sponsors, the books could be distributed to all preschoolers in the Bondorf Kindergarten.

Marvin Kiel von der Galltec Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH erzählt im Interview über die Vielseitigkeit der Feuchtemesstechnik


From the Ötzi Museum to cheese maturing

The mpk 4.0 technology forum interviewed our Mr. Kiel. Listen to a pleasant conversation about humidity and temperature measurement and it's versatility. The PodCast is spoken in German.

Galltec unterstützt das Rote Kreuz

Social responsibility

Helping the helpers

The new emergency response vehicle, purchased thanks to the financial support of Galltec GmbH, among others, was enthusiastically presented to us. We are delighted to be able to support the German Red Cross team with their crucial work, especially in these difficult times.

Feuchte- und Temperatur Transmitter. Modular aufgebaut und maßgeschneidert konfigurierbar


Quick and easy probe replacement without interrupting the measurement process

Some models in the DZK series are temperature-resistant up to 125 °C and all models have an IP rating of IP 65. The creation of this series represents a further step towards universal applicability.



eStat10 with keylock - ideal for climate control in public buildings

The eStat is a combination of a sensor and a humidistat. With its two analogue outputs for a continuous signal for humidity and temperature and two switching points, it can maintain an optimal indoor climate automatically. With the new keylock-feature it can be used in public buildings without the risk of unauthorized change to the settings.